I Got The Fever
My arm hurts. Yesterday, I got three vaccines for my upcoming trip. So in case you're curious, I am now hopefully immune to Hep A, Typhoid, and Yellow Fever.
My arm hurts. Yesterday, I got three vaccines for my upcoming trip. So in case you're curious, I am now hopefully immune to Hep A, Typhoid, and Yellow Fever.
It's exam week, again, and I thought it'd be nice to take a look at what I have in store for the next eight months of my life.
One unexpected addition to my dinner party was a viewing of the Scientology episode of South Park. The lamb took forever (I blame my meat thermometer, which I stuck in a bag of ice becuase it wouldn't go below 180 degrees two hours after it was removed from the meat, and it now reads 200 degrees. In a bag of ice), and we were talking about Scientology for some reason, and I still have that episode on my TiVo. People made us watch the "This is what Scientologists actually believe" segment at least five times.
What does a good half-Lutheran like me do on Easter? Same thing I do every Easter! I'm roasting a ten pound (last one they had) leg of lamb with potatoes and onions, and listening to the Broadway soundtrack of Jesus Christ Superstar. My entire menu was meant to be super-Eastery, and I'm wearing my Donna Reed skirt. If only I had pearls. Here's the full menu:
I am now a certified fruit fly on two coasts. The Out4Biz club invited me to become a 'straight ally', which is I'm sure shocking news to exactly no one who knows me. It helps that I'm buds with the incoming president, that I helped organize the biggest Out4Biz party of the year, and that I'm fabulous.
Looking for a beautiful apartment in Philadelphia this summer? Please consider moving into my house.