Friday, November 28, 2008

I Love My Family

This headline made every member of my family, including soon to be sister-in-law Abby, laugh so hard there were real tears. And on the off chance this link doesn't work, the headline is "Modern Pentathlon Cut From 5 to 4 Events".

Current dog name is "Bandit", but we are soliciting other suggestions.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Outrageously Cute

Marji and Roger are getting a puppy.  This might be him.  His name might be Gibson, Gibby for short.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jet Setter

I'm going to Bentonville the week after Thanksgiving!  Woo hoo!  And before you feel too sorry for me, it sounds as if there's a 95% chance that I will be taking the corporate jet on my return flight.  I'm also most likely attending a University of Arkansas basketball game, where I understand I will be making pig sounds.
Also, Slumdog Millionaire is wonderful.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tapped on the Shoulder

Where I work, there are many different divisions and roles, so moving people around is a big part of what management spends their time thinking about.  And they've changed the way they do it at least twice in the year I've worked here.  First, it was completely driven by the individuals, who applied for 'openings' as if they were on the open job market.  Then, it was frozen because too many people were moving too quickly.  Then, they re-started it and assured us we would express our interests and then the upper managers would do their chess game moves of us keeping those interests in mind. This is in contrast to the 'old way', where someone would come tap you on a shoulder and say, "In about two days, they're going to announce you're moving to XXX.  Congratulations!" with no warning at all.
I just became a victim?  participant? in the old way of doing things.  I am leaving my comfortable little department and moving to a completely different role on completely different businesses.  And this new role will mean a lot more travel, specifically to a little company in Arkansas.
Sorry, I'm in total shock and not supposed to tell anyone here and am still at work so I guess venting on my blog (readership: 2 people) was my first instinct.  At least if this all comes to fruition, I can start a new theme on juliedelphia: julietonville (julieakansas?).