Friend of the Devil?

Can someone explain why I have demon redeye in every picture I take lately? The one on the left is after doing both automatic and manual redeye reducer in my photo editor. Sigh.
It was first Thursday of the month again, which meant Karaoke at Bonners again. Rumor has it Ross may come visit me on November 3rd, which happens to be the first Thursday. Suggestions for his perfect karaoke song?
Clearly it's "The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk 3.
You seem to have a knack for winding up with Wharton hotties in your pics. Gotta love that boy:girl ratio in b-school.
As for the song, tough one..."Let the Good Times Roll" or anything else by Twisted Sister, simply for the obscure sibling reference.
"The Sister Song" from Barney's "Oh Brother! She's My Sister" DVD might also work.
Oh, I almost forgot. Photoshop also works for beer stains on breas..., er, shirts :)
you should probably use Picassa, that would fix it ;-)
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