An Orgy by Next Weekend

Pete has spoken-- as I suspected there is at least some demand out there for the details outside the classroom.
Here's my take on the party scene thus far. We started off innocently enough, there were bar nights, BBQ's, happy hours, etc. Our cohort organized an activity or two, karaoke or a happy hour just for us. And for a full month, there was some late night dancing and some dubious walk-homes (The walk-home is equal parts necessity and easy way for a guy here to stake his claim. The vagrants in Center City are a bit more aggressive than the ones I'm used to in SF, so though we're rarely more than four blocks from home, it's not a good idea to walk home alone. So often the guys will offer to walk us home. Sometimes they invite themselves up using the "I need a bathroom excuse." Sometimes they then won't leave. Other times you're left with the awkward 'I'm standing in front of my apartment building talking to you for an hour and a half even thought it's three in the morning' situation in avoiding the invite up. It's a good time, and we women always swap war stories the next day.). But for the most part, conversations remained in the getting to know you/businessy sphere, and everyone was on their best behavior.
Then pre-term ended, and the second years came back. The very first weekend, we had the foam party and the white party. This gave us new insight into what our classmates were like when they let their guard down, and it was definitely a sight to behold. Then the week came, and it was back to little happy hours and nothing too crazy.
Then last Thursday, we had the Europa Club's "Back to School" party, with school uniforms as the suggested attire. Now I'm almost thirty years old, so the idea of me dressing up as a little schoolgirl seemed funny more than anything. But given the reactions of my fellow (male) students and the fact that they were handing out lollipops to the girls at the door, I'd say this was less a 'ha ha' event and more of a 'give the guys yet another chance to leer at the girls' event. And I realize that we are sliding down a pretty steep slope in terms of party themes. I ask you-- how long until they cut all pretense of theme parties and just start throwing girlfriend swaps or even orgies? Stop the insanity, please. We do actually have an event coming up (though I'm not sure in which semester) where you go bar-hopping as a class in business attire on top, and 'nothing but underwear' underneath.
I'm off to the gym!
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