What's new....
I didn't buy a house (that's house number three I haven't bought-- quite a collection of real estate!)
Satchel has pinkeye (from hanging out with Scott Baio)
Despite two years of no dental exams, I have no cavities and my teeth have been proclaimed in great shape (thanks, genetics)
I realized on BART this morning that I have an entirely new lingo about simple grocery store items from just five weeks of working here (I had to bring in 'product' when we were out of a specific 'sku'. Who talks like that?)
I am completely addicted to Chanel Vamp for my manicures (though dark colors are unforgiving, it chips less than my bargain neutral shades)
At the end of the 4th quarter, Stanford came back with a miraculous drive and scored on 4th down to upset the number one college football team in the country, winning 24-23 (OK, not really 'what's new' so much as 'what's still really exciting')
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