Saturday, May 20, 2006

Falling for Buenos Aires

I love it here love it here love it here.

OK, first of all, I took this incredible trip to Iguazu Falls, which everyone must visit once in their lives. It was the most awe inspiring thing I´ve ever seen. Unfortunately, I can´t post any of my own pictures at the moment, so click on that link and take a look, and then book your flight for this winter. The best part for us was the boat trip which promised a ´mist baptism´in the falls, but instead provided us with five head on dousings by some of the most powerful waterfalls in South America. I think my jeans are STILL wet, and it was two days ago.

Second, this city is gorgeous, the people are wonderful, the exhange rate is absurd, and the food is ridiculous. I don´t want to leave. Alas, we are headed to Sao Paolo tomorrow, where we are assured the riots will not be a problem.


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