Very Important Country Music Fans

Ruthie and I were very important country music fans last night. We went to a Tim McGraw concert, complete with awesome seats and passes to a pre-show BBQ featuring an acoustic set by Mr. Tim McGraw himself. Since I am usually neither very important nor a country music fan, this was a pretty big event. I had zero knowledge of Tim's music before last week, but have to admit I like some of his songs, and the concert was amazing. Also, being a VIP rules. The people-watching was beyond compare, and I realize that I am wearing way too little makeup and way too many clothes. I also realize that the older you are, the more appropriate it is to dance on a chair and wave your arms in the air as if you're spasming. Also, Houston people really know their country music (still don't know the name of the apparently amazing mega-star who joined Tim onstage at the end of the show, though I'm still deaf from the screams of recognition from everyone around me. And no, it was not Faith Hill. Even I know who that is.). And Roger Clemens is apparently still beloved in Houston, since he was there and was mobbed by fans and got a huge cheer when Tim greeted him from the stage.
I have also had the chance to remember why Texas is superior to California, namely queso, Sonic cheesy tots and cherry limeade, Potbelly sandwiches, Whataburger sausage egg taquitos, Central Market tortillas, Sass salad dressing, and Shiner.
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