Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Matzo Madness

The greatest unintentionally comedic major city newspaper in the US (China Daily News has us beat internationally, unfortunately) the San Francisco Chronicle has decided to cover the matzo shortage!
I also have to say that preparing and hosting a seder makes me think of my grandmother so much.  I find that I lapse into telling stories she told me about her seders in younger days, and I think I first attempted my Julia Child imitation making haroses with her when I was about 14.  I'm glad I got to have at least one family member at the table to humor me in my nostalgia.
On an unrelated note if I had graduated Whaton one year later, not only could I enjoy Potbelly Sandwich Works (finally opened there, still not open in California), but I could be deciding the Democratic primary kind of sort of but not really. 



Blogger Ruthie Johnson Miller said...

We can certainly go to Potbelly when you're in Houston! I even have a gift card. Cha-ching.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Afikomen was much more elusive this year in Scottsdale as well. Seems the Manischewitz plant in New Jersey had production difficulties and Trader Joe's and Costco decided not tocarry matzah this year.
Matzoh or not, the memories of Passover always seem to be prominent in our hearts and minds.
Keep blogging, Jules..I can at least live vicariously through Facebook and Juliedelphia.

1:56 AM  

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