Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fenway West

Full disclosure: I am in the Bay Area, and did not have time to see everyone and call everyone. This is because the goals of this short trip were:
1. To move my stuff into a storage unit
2. To get visas to travel to China and Vietnam
3. To start looking at places to buy so I could get a sense of the real estate market
4. Go to a Red Sox/A's game

This left me with little time for much else, except for serving as an indentured nanny to pay for my place to stay (kidding, Krista!).

Last night's game was long, exciting, but ultimately frustrating. But the best part about it was that the park had to be at least 50% Red Sox fans. I did have a few moments of doubt about the wisdom of wearing my Sox hat into Oakland, but if anything, I was in the majority. Apparently, this phenomenon is widely noted and not new.


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