Juliedelphia in Other Outlets
Instead of writing about Spring Break, I can just force y'all to read my Wharton Journal article about it!
OK, fine, you shouldn't have to register to read this. They asked me to recap spring break in Costa Rica for them. I used it as my opportunity to tease people. The journal used it as an opportunity to put a photo of me on nearly every page of this week's issue-- no joke. Here's the text of the article:
At the beginning of the year when the topic of Spring Break first arose, it was in the context of which leadership venture would be the most exciting. My friends celebrated as they won the auction to spend that precious week between quarters scaling an Ecuadorian volcano or having adventures in Patagonia. And I have to admit feeling no regret as I bid these friends bon voyage during a layover in Houston. They were strapped down with giant backpacks containing altitude-sickness medication and garments made of fabric which would 'wick' away moisture. I carried a beach bag with an assortment of sunscreen, bathing suits, and bad magazines.
About fifty Whartonites opted for the challenges of sunbathing, swimmingand of course drinking on the gorgeous Playa Tamarindo. Located on the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Tamarindo has become legendary as a surfing destinationand an overall great place to spend a vacation. But there was more to our vacation than just napping and warm cups of gin. Some of our more adventurous outings included canopy tours which had us zipping through the trees 500 feet above the ground, deep sea fishing which provided sashimi and grilled tuna steaks for days of eating goodness, and our twice daily visits to the local smoothie hut for Mango smoothies (con leche, Raj insists).
We also experienced other aspects of leadership. We learned about other cultures, which are important in a global economy. For instance, "cerveza" means "beer," and the Burger King in Tamarindo is a truck wherein you order your Whopper "con queso." The lovely lady who cooked for us most nights made the best flan on the planet, was truly not to be missed. Shots taste better in Costa Rica, probably because it's on the metric system. Also, hugs can be traded for surfboard rentals.If you really want to learn how to surf, pay for a group lesson and then flirt your way to a private lesson. Your classmates may be swept away by a riptide, but you'll plenty of hands on instruction.
We expanded our horizons within the Wharton community. In a grand social experiment, first and second years mixed freely as they only can in the wild. We learned that we're not so different: mosquitos don't discriminate, bad pickup lines are universal, and everyone forgets to put sunscreen on the tops of their feet. One second year house was so luxurious, we are fairly certain a rap video is being filmed there this week. Ironically, this was the one house that failed to host a party. There was a rumor that there was another house of first years in Tamarindo, but we have no proof that it existed.
I also got to know my housemates so much better, as we broke down barriers and threw out old assumptions.I now know Allen's mysterious SPF alchemy method, that Dan has the best vodka watermelon recipe, and that Blair can get to the ATM the fastest. I learned that the way to out the worst-kept-secret-couple-at-Wharton is to force the issue via sleeping arrangements. And I learned that BC's Wharton Journal reputation is totally baseless. Sure he disappears most nights in the company of a lovely lady, but he's just being a gentlemen and staggering, er, I mean walking her home. The only way to sum it up is to go to my good friend and housemate Raj Amin. "I had a ball. I'd give my left nut to go back to Costa Rica." Pura Vida!
Happy St Patricks Day! More photos from my SF visit soon.

Hi Julie! This is Jenny Jaffe and your dad sent my dad the link to your blog! My email's pandajen@pacbell.net, so hope to talk to you soon!
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